2012. 1. 25. 13:26 - 전략스토리디자이너

Building Your Own Small Business Platform with Social Media

Social media is a huge area of discussion in small business these days as a way to market, network and engage your clients and customers while boosting your brand. Here are tips on building an effective social media platform you may wish to consider.

Tips & Trends

Building a business platform. If 2011 was the year businesses began using social media in earnest, 2012 may be the year of building an effective social media platform to share your ideas and brand. Here’s how to do it. Chris Brogan

Small busines trends in social media. Michael Stelzner interviews Anita Campbell, founder of Small Business Trends, about what kinds of businesses do best with social media and how to use social media effectively. Social Media Examiner

Tools & Training

Managing your time online. As a small business owner you need to manage your time. Social media can be an awesome tool for both marketing and collecting information but it can be a huge time sink as well. Here are some tools that help you manage your time on the social Web well. Entrepreneur

Small businesses still learning the ropes. Small businesses everywhere continue to scramble for knowledge about social media and how it can work to improve their small businesses. Have you thought about social media small business benefits. Patch

Tech & Business

Why Google Plus will be a major contender. If there are small businesses out there who actually doubt the power of Google Plus as a social platform, these figures on a serious growth spurt should make you think twice. Are you using Google Plus to access your customers? CNN

Social media monitoring 101. Part of effective social media marketing includes monitoring what others might be saying about your company on the social Web. So what tools do you use to do your listening. Small Business Trends

Twitter & Other Social Media Advice

A guide to Twitter for business. You’ve probably heard about the benefits of using Twitter for small business and entrepreneurship probably even set up a Twitter account of your own. But do you know how to use the platform to maximize benefit for your business today? Birdie’s Typing Services

Tips to managing social media marketing. You know social media is good for your business, but sometimes figuring out how to go about your marketing efforts is the real trick. Learn from others when honing your social media message. Network Solutions


Selling the Facebook way. You’ve heard, of course, that Facebook remains primarily a place for marketing, networking and building connections not for selling. Enter Facebook Marketplace. Here’s a simple guide to make it work for you. Fans Bridge

Facebook is NOT your Website! It may be tempting to engage your fans on social sites like Facebook exclusively. Maybe it seems as if your Website is kind of superfluous at this point. Think again! Here are some reasons why you’ll still need a Website. Idea Sprouts
